

Social Contribution

Going further together

Hanwha has been building firm trust with the local communities under the founding philosophy of ‘contributing to the nation and society’ and the core philosophy of ‘trust and loyalty.’ Hanwha strives to fulfill social responsibitilies as a corporate citizen based on the philosophy ‘Going Further Together’ not ‘faster alone.’

Social contribution slogan

Energy for life
Energy that builds tomorrow
“Going further together”
Sharing, social investment
Sharing energy for life

Social contribution Vision & Mission

‘A happy tomorrow we build together’

Hanwha is building ‘a happy tomorrow’ by ‘going further together.’

  • A happy life our employees make together
  • A society growing together through sharing and caring
  • Bright and healthy future by creating environmentally friendly values

Going further together

Hanwha Vision practices neighborliness based on the Hanwha spirit of “Trust and Loyalty” and our social contribution philosophy of “Going further together”. Under the motto of “Going together with our neighbors”, we support CCTVs in crime-ridden districts, social assistance facilities, and schools, using our signature products and technologies. Other activities to assist the underprivileged include our employees donating their time and abilities through initiatives such as Pushcarts of Love and Happy Dream. Our employees have also formed over 70 volunteer clubs to assist communities in which we operate. The clubs’ activities include providing support to social welfare facilities, environmental cleanups, and regularly volunteering with the underprivileged including low-income families and sole-support seniors.

CCTV Support

We support CCTVs in crime-ridden districts and schools by using our products to help create a safe and vibrant society. We also help to ensure the safety of students and local residents by carrying out environmental improvement activities, including painting fences, walls, and equipment at school grounds.

Win-win community activities

Our employees deliver rice and daily necessities to the underprivileged, including sole-support seniors and the physically disabled, during the New Year and year-end holidays and the Korean thanksgiving holiday. We also visit schools that have fewer than 20 students and are in danger of closing, helping them to thrive by improving their surroundings and hosting mini athletic meets.

Environmentally friendly activities

We take the lead in environmental protection by making recycled Eco Bags from waste, engaging in carbon mileage efforts (reducing leftover food and using public transportation), and carrying out community cleanup campaigns such as One Company-One Park Cultivation.